Monday, April 24, 2023

Lessons learned and moving forward


Reflection is an important process for learning and personal growth. It allows individuals to analyze their experiences and understand how they have affected their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Reflecting on what you have learned in school can help you to better understand the material, retain the information longer, and apply it to real-world situations.

Becoming a better person is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-awareness, and a willingness to change. Learning how to become a better person involves understanding one's own values ​​and beliefs, and making conscious choices that align with those values. It also involves learning how to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and manage emotions. One way to work on becoming a better person is to set personal goals, such as practicing kindness, forgiveness, or gratitude. It's also important to surround oneself with people who are positive and supportive, and who will encourage growth and personal development. Additionally, learning how to become a better person may require learning and practicing new skills such as active listening, compromise, and conflict resolution.

One app, notepad, however it offers a lot. Learning how to utilize has been amazing because I've learned more about computers and how notepads operate. This quarter, we did a community based research takes place in community settings and involves community members in the design and implementation of research projects, demonstrating respect for the contributions of success that are made by community partners as well as respect for the principle of  "not harm" to the communities involved. CBR has its goal to achieve social justice through social action and social change.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Mercies in Disguise

 Holy Week, also known as Semana Santa, is one of the most important and solemn periods in the Christian calendar. It is a time when Christians all over the world commemorate the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday, marking a seven-day period of reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal.

Baptists and other Christian denominations don’t make the Holy Week a biblical ordinance to observe. One reason is that real Christians make the essence of the Holy Week the core foundation of their faith. It is the entire Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4) that Christ died and rose again. We don’t take the Holy Week as a once-a-year observance but rather the daily content in our meditation—that Christ died and rose again for me to live forever in heaven! To remember Christ during the Holy Week is a source of awareness for the non-Christians. But, we, born-again believers, believe in Christ Jesus more than the so-called Christian Holy Week observance. For we are doing “Holy Week” in our hearts daily — even hourly. We are happy for our biblical Jesus for He died and rose again to give us eternal life — through our faith in Him as only Lord and Savior! We keep the Holy Week like keeping our loved ones in our hearts every moment — not just once a year!

As a Born Again Christian, I participate in our church's annual service that centers on Jesus's seven last words. I went to my second encounter of the Seven Last Word this year. Every branch of our church in Ilocos is present at this ceremony, and each church has a representative to talk about one of Jesus' final words. We have a profound understanding of His thoughts as He took on all of humanity's sins from His Seven Last Words. He cries out to God, pardons the repentant thief, pardons His enemies, and announces the end of His earthly existence with these words. To be able to forgive someone, you need to forgive yourself first. Your ability to forgive others is directly tied to the ability to forgive yourself; the skills are the same,” Bartlett said. “It’s all about acceptance. Accept your imperfections and your humanity. Accept that you don’t need others to be perfect and accept that you don’t need to be perfect either. That means you can stop punishing yourself. And if you can ease up on that, you may find a deep well of compassion inside you that you can finally use on yourself.” In addition, during Holy Week, we traveled to the beach to unwind from the pressures of school. We went swimming overnight. We had a bonfire and spent a long time gazing at the shore. We then went to the seashore to catch crabs. We then went for a walk in the morning before spending hours in the sea. Despite the fact that most of modern life is still based on technology, we frequently have the best experiences when we take time off to disconnect and experience the world as it is, rather than how we've made it in our devices. Perhaps this is why so many people today adore beaches: they serve as a reminder of how different our world once was.

In conclusion, Holy Week is a time of deep reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal for Christians around the world. It is a time to remember the events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection and to reflect on the significance of these events in our lives. Whether through attending church services, participating in devotional practices, or simply taking time for personal reflection, Holy Week is an opportunity for Christians to draw closer to God and to renew their commitment to living a life of faith and service.



Monday, April 10, 2023

121 years of Shaping Leaders for Tomorrow


    Foundation day is an important celebration that takes place in many schools around the world. It is a special day dedicated to commemorating the establishment of the school and the efforts of those who worked hard to make it what it is today. Foundation day is usually celebrated on the anniversary of the day the school was founded. The exact date may vary from school to school, depending on the year of establishment. Ilocos Sur National High School usually celebrates is on March. This year, ISNHS celebrates its 121st Foundation Day themed “Renewed Commitment in Defying Odds to Transcend Heights of Excellence and Solidarity”. It is a time for the school community to come together and reflect on the history and legacy of the institution. The significance of foundation day lies in its ability to remind everyone of the school's origins and the values and principles on which it was founded. It is an opportunity to honor the founders of the school and the hard work they put in to establish an institution of learning that has become an integral part of the community.

    The Foundation day is divided into three parts. The first part begins with the Thanksgiving Mass. The thanksgiving mass is a beautiful way to express gratitude to God for the many blessing we have received. It is an opportunity to give thanks for our health, our studies, our families, our friends, our teachers, classmates, and all the other gifts that we have been given. The second part includes the inspirational talk where the history and achievements of the school are highlighted. To be followed by the Awarding of Outstanding Teachers, Employees, and Retirees. There is also performances by students showcasing the school's talents and accomplishments. The third part was the field demonstration of Calisthenics, Festival Dances, Traditional Games, and Booths. These activities provide an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and talents while fostering a sense of community and school spirit. Foundation day celebrations are also a time for alumni to reconnect with their alma mater and reminisce about their school days. It is an opportunity for them to see how the school has grown and changed over the years and to reconnect with former classmates and teachers.

    In conclusion, foundation day is an important celebration in schools around the world. It is a time to reflect on the history and legacy of the school and to honor the hard work of those who established it. Through its celebration, foundation day fosters a sense of community, school spirit, and civic responsibility among students, staff, and alumni alike. 


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long way down

          The last quarter of the school year is jut around the corner, and it's time to reflect on the experiences and lessons learned ...